This was a try to mimic Hacker theme for GitHub Pages
I added little more stuff to it.
If u want to use it in your website just include
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
at the end of your webpage
<button> html-button </button>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-hacker"> bootstrap-button </a>
<pre> <h5> Code snippets..</h5> <pre>
All elements are inside paragraph and centered.
Card description or footer
<div class="col card-hacker glow-out " id="this"> <p> <h4 class="purple"> Card Heading </h4> </p> <p> All elements are inside paragraph and centered. </p> <style> #this { background-image: url("./resource/hacker.png"); background-attachment: fixed; background-size: contain; } </style> <p> Card description or footer </p> </div>
Paragraph with pink text
<p class="pink"> Paragraph with pink text </p>
<a href="" class="yellow"> Link with yellow text </a>
<h5 class="red"> H5 with red text </h5>
lead para + purple flavour
<p class="lead purple"> lead para + purple flavour </p>