
This was a try to mimic Hacker theme for GitHub Pages

I added little more stuff to it.

If u want to use it in your website just include

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://mrjeevan.ml/templates/Hacker-theme.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://mrjeevan.ml/templates/Hacker-theme.js"></script>

at the end of your webpage


This can be used as a tag-line or lead paragraph.

Horizontal rule

This is a link
<button> html-button </button>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-hacker"> bootstrap-button </a>

Code snippets..
        <h5> Code snippets..</h5>

Ordered list
  1. This is an ordered list
  2. This is an ordered list
  3. This is an ordered list

Unordered list

Card Heading

All elements are inside paragraph and centered.

Card description or footer

<div class="col card-hacker glow-out " id="this">
    <p> <h4 class="purple"> Card Heading </h4>  </p>
            All elements are inside paragraph and centered.

                    background-image: url("./resource/hacker.png");
                    background-attachment: fixed;
                    background-size: contain;

    <p> Card description or footer </p>








Paragraph with pink text

 <p class="pink"> Paragraph with pink text </p> 
 <a href="" class="yellow"> Link with yellow text </a> 
H5 with red text
 <h5 class="red"> H5 with red text </h5> 

lead para + purple flavour

<p class="lead purple"> lead para + purple flavour </p>

❤️ from India